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Campus Resources

Request a Referral

Students can obtain referrals from CIC in any of the following ways.

  1. Students are invited to make an appointment for Referral Coordination at the Center for Integrated Care if they are encountering challenges getting connected to services off-campus. Call (704) 687-1045 or schedule an appointment online
  2. Shrink Space  and Thriving Campus allow students to connect with off-campus providers by identifying their own specific needs and preferences. Referrals are customized and students can access the providers on their own, when they are ready to begin services. If you need help accessing these services, you can contact CIC.

Resources on college campuses across the country are limited. Charlotte has recognized that plans for serving a campus this size require planning and coordination because no two students' health & wellness needs are exactly the same. When campus services are not enough to meet specific needs, we help to identify appropriate resources in the community.

Yes, there are a number of basic needs referrals that students might find helpful and we can help you to get connected if appropriate. However, we believe that all needs interconnect and impact your overall functioning, even if they are not specific to physical or mental health. Check out the Health and Wellbeing’s Amplify Campaign to learn more about these connections

Obtaining and interpreting insurance benefits can be complex, and even frustrating at times. We are here to help! CIC staff members are familiar with the Student Blue health insurance plan and can help guide you in finding community providers that can meet your needs. Students that have other insurance plans receive the same support! 

In addition, CIC encourages students to utilize resources that can help them to build skills coordinating care independently. These skills can prepare you for the “post graduation” life. ShrinkSpace and ThrivingCampus allow students to connect with off-campus providers by identifying their own specific needs and preferences. You are not alone. We can help start you on this process should you need support or have questions. 

Interested in financial support for off-campus services? See the referral funding tab on the menu on the left.

Have other questions about the Center for Integrated Care, in general? Please see other FAQs